Israeli Folk Dancing
Atlanta, GA, USA
Experience Life Through Dance
Weekly Session
Join our MacholAtlanta community and build friendships and dance skills.
MacholAtlanta is our weekly adult session.
We are known to be a friendly bunch.
All body types, ages, skill levels welcome.
Meet Weekly on Tuesdays
in the Dunwoody/Sandy Springs area.
Meliss and Rachel
Admission $12
$8 for students 21 and under. Venmo or Cash only
6:15-7PM Beginners, 7-7:25PM Intermediate with Rachel
7:25-8:55PM Advanced Circles/ Some Line Dances with Meliss
8:55-9:25PM Couples (no partner needed) with Meliss
To be added to our email list or to get the address to the weekly session, please send an email to with the Subject: “DANCE DETAILS”
What to expect in each session:
The Beginners session is a great place to start to learn the steps and some basic combinations.
Intermediate session is where you can learn dances taught in the Advanced session at a slower pace and review older dances that help you repeat the combinations.
In the Advanced circle session you will hear dances played back to back of dances we dance in our session regularly. You can follow behind the circle or stand to the left of someone you like to follow. Meliss will usually teach one circle dance during this session.
Our Line dance session is where we will usually dance 2-3 line dances each week. Occasionally, Meliss will teach a new one.
The Couples session is where we dance together in pairs. You can ask anyone to dance and dance either the LEAD or the FOLLOW. We will usually dance either 2 partner sets (so you can have 2 different partners or choose to stay together with the same partner for both sets) or Meliss may teach a new couple dance, and we will dance one dance set.
Recently Taught
Click the name of the dance to dive in to what we’ve been learning lately:
Hashem Melech by Rafi Ziv 2024
Hapa'am Lo Levad by Rafi Ziv
Bein Ha’etzba’ot by Roei Fridman and Gadi Bitton
Ulai Hapa’am Ulai Halaila by Mitch Ginsburgh
Even Al Even by Michael Barzilai and Ilai Szpiezak
Lanetzach Tishaer by Dudu Barzilay
Tirkod Kmo Halev Shelcha by Yaron Malichi
Tirbachu V’Tisadu by Yaron Malichi and Dudu Barzilay
Am Yisrael Chai by Dudu Barzilay
Nadnedi by Meir Shem Tov
Shalna by Shmulik Gov Ari
Mechakot by Michael Barzilai
Le Ma At Mechaka by Yaron Ben Simchon
Ma Yehiye Machar by Dudu Barzilay
Shir Echad Laderech by Dudu Barzilay
Hamilim Hachaserot by Dudu Barzilay
Ein Sof La’layla by Ronit Weinreich and Gadi Bitton
El Haderech by Moti Elfasy
Ahava Pshuta by Roni Siman Tov
Kan Badarom by Moti Elfasy
Le’olam by Avner Naim
Chamaniyot Mul HaShemesh by Shlomo Maman
Chaki Od Rega by Gadi Bitton
Ein Ahava by Avi Levy
Lifnei Kama Dakot by Elad Shtamer
Achshav Karov by Gadi Bitton
Rov Ha'Sha'ot by Sagi Azran
Yakalelo by Eyal Eliyahu
Mabruk Aleikum by Aviv Ben Ishay
Desert Rose by Eyal Eliyahu
Ad Hamidbar by Michael Barzilai
Jaimale by Ariane Butel
Kakdila by Yuval Tabashi
Best friends who met dancing
Israelis who now dance in the USA
Been dancing a short time
What the men have to say
To book Meliss for your next event, please send an email to with the Subject: “BOOKINGS”
Got an event? Book Meliss to teach Israeli dance to your guests at your next event or Simcha.
Need DJ Services?
We have a full library of Hebrew and English music
(Videos play silently)
To learn more about DJ services, please send an email to: with the Subject: “DJ INQUIRY”
Dance aids to improve your experience
Monday Sep. 16- Panera N. Druid Hills 4p-8p
Tuesday Sep. 17- Panera N. Point Alpharetta 4p-8p
Wednesday Sep. 18- Panera Mt. Vernon Dunwoody 4p-8p
Monday Sep. 23- Panera East Cobb 4p-8p
Sunday Sep. 29- Chipotle Sandy Springs 4p-8p
Monday Sep. 16- Panera N. Druid Hills 4p-8p
Tuesday Sep. 17- Panera N. Point Alpharetta 4p-8p
Wednesday Sep. 18- Panera Mt. Vernon Dunwoody 4p-8p
Monday Sep. 23- Panera East Cobb 4p-8p
Sunday Sep. 29- Chipotle Sandy Springs 4p-8p
Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find inside...
(If the video is having trouble playing, check on both mobile and desktop to view.)
Upcoming Dance Camps
“Growing evidence supports the ability of dance to positively affect cognitive function. Additionally, the positive effects of dance are linked to preventing more health conditions associated with cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s disease, than other activities.”